How To (Really) Setup Firebase For Your Android App?

Aman Bakshi
2 min readJun 30, 2020
Source :

Firebase is pretty easy to setup, and you can use it for lot of functions such as Authentication, Analytics and most importantly for database and storage.

You can either use the fantastic Firebase Real-time Database or you can also use Firestore.

Both of these are NoSQL based database. And cater to different scenarios.

Anyway, so how do we setup Firebase for an Android App?

Let’s get started…

The first step is to signup for Firebase, if you don’t have an account, go ahead and do so, we will be here when you are finished. Here’s the link to signup :

After signing up, you need to create an app in the Firebase Console ( To add an app just click “Add Project” in the console.

Firebase will then ask you for details of your app, like your App Name and Package name.

Fill it up and you will receive a google-services.json file to download from Firebase. Save this file in your app-level folder of your Android App.

In the next steps, you will be guided to add dependencies to your build.gradle and your settings.gradle. Add them at their appropriate places.

Sync the gradle file. And viola~!

You can use Firebase in your app now. Easy, right? Hope you got it. Now you have the powerful functions of #Firebase at your disposal. Use them as you like!

If you missed a step or if you prefer to learn by watching rather than reading, here’s a video to help you with the setup :

A short tutorial, from our Udemy Course.

Keep learning, keep creating! :)

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Aman Bakshi

Amateur Android developer. Novice reader. Amateur writer. Running :